Friday 7 July 2017


 Trump said that he was 'honored' to meet Putin as they sat down together on Friday afternoon. As the meeting started he said that he and Putin had been 'discussing various things and I think it's going very, very well'Nadhani leo yaweza kuwa ni siku bora zaidi kwa raisi wa Marekani Donald Trump kwani leo ndiyo siku pekee ambayo rais huyo amepata nafasi ya kukaa meza moja na rais wa Urusi Vladimir Putin.

 Establishing a rapport: A White House official said the president had a checklist of things he wanted to deal with but that the meeting was about assessing what sort of relationship he could have with Putin

Trump amekutana na rais huyo wa Urusi katika mkutano wa nchi zenye uchumi mkubwa alimaarufu G20 Hamburg, nchini Ujerumani.

 Mkutano huo umaeanza siku ya leo na kuhuzuriwa na marais, mawaziri pamoja na wawakilishi wa nchi husika.

 Just a few of us: The Russian delegation consisted simply of Putin, his foreign minister Sergey Lavrov, and their translator, while the U.S. side was President Trump, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, and their translator

Rais Trump alionekana kufurahia sana kuonana na Putin kiasi cha kusema kuwa  ni neema kukutana na wewe.

Ikumbukwe kuwa nchi hizo mbili ziko katika vita baridi lakini leo wameamua kukaa meza moja na kufanya mazungumzo ya kina.

  The pair spoke briefly to the press before starting their meeting, and Trump said that he was looking forward to some 'positive talks' with Putin

Katika mazungumzo hayo Rais Trump aliongozana na katibu wake Rex Tillerson pamoja na mkalimani huku Putin nae akiongozana na waziri wake wa mambo ya nje Sergey Lavroy pamoja na mkalimani wao.

kwa muujibu wa Dailmail lengo la mazungumzo hayo ya marais hayo ikiwa ni agenda ya Ukraine na majeshi ya Nato.

Hands extended: Trump and Putin move towards a very public handshake as they sit down at the G20 in Hamburg
lakini taarifa kutoka ndani ya ikulu ya Marekani zinadai kuwa mazungumzo baina ya mafahari hayo yalenga kuweka ushirikiano baina ya nchi hizo mbili. 
No answers: Trump ignored shouted questions on election meddling as he met with Putin, the man said to be behind it - something Trump came close to acknowledging in Poland, but not far enough for Democrats


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